This series goes through conversion of some basic java kafka clients to scala - step by step. It is important to understand that it is written from my viewpoint - someone who has played with scala, likes it, but has never really had time to get into it.
In the previous post we took a look at akka streams in general.
Let's apply that to our producer and consumer.
We'll start with the same project setup as we used in the configuration project.
There are two changes to build.sbt
to AkkaProducer
as appropriate"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-stream-kafka" % "2.0.0"
The project directory ( are the same as before.
The src/main/resources/application.conf files are very similar. We change the client/group IDs, the topic and we remove the serializer/deserializer. The reason for this is that changing the typing of the messages would also require a lot of changes in code to match so doesn't really need to be a configurable.
bootstrap-servers = "localhost:29092"
topic = "akka-streams-topic"
client-id = "akka-streams-consumer"
group-id = "akka-streams-consumer"
bootstrap-servers = "localhost:29092"
topic = "akka-streams-topic"
enable-auto-commit = "true"
auto-commit-interval-ms = "1000"
auto-offset-reset = "earliest"
OK - so how does the code look now?
We still have a config case class and we still load the config with pureconfig (note - the kafka libraries for akka-streams can read application.conf themselves if you format it for them - see producer and consumer documentation).
However - once we have a configuration - we want to create the producer settings. For the producer that's simple - it takes a system and serializers and then we set the bootstrap server. We have no other options we want to set here - but we could add them if we did have (we'll see this in the consumer shortly).
private def buildProducerSettings(sys: ActorSystem, config: Config) = {
val keySerializer = Serdes.String().serializer()
val valueSerializer = Serdes.Integer().serializer().asInstanceOf[Serializer[Int]]
ProducerSettings(sys, keySerializer, valueSerializer)
Finally we set up our akka stream:
println("*** Starting Producer ***")
implicit val sys = ActorSystem()
implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer()
val producerSettings: ProducerSettings[String, Int] = buildProducerSettings(sys, config)
.fromIterator(() => (0 to 10000).toIterator)
.map(i => i * 2)
.map { i =>
ProducerMessage.Message(new ProducerRecord[String, Int](config.topic, i), i)
.runWith {
Sink.foreach(res => println(s"Wrote ${res.passThrough} to ${config.topic}"))
Again - the consumer is very similar up to the point we have successfully loaded a config.
Building the consumer settings is the same process with more fields:
private def buildConsumerSettings(sys: ActorSystem, config: Config) = {
val keyDeserializer = Serdes.String().deserializer()
val valueDeserializer = Serdes.Integer().deserializer().asInstanceOf[Deserializer[Int]]
ConsumerSettings(sys, keyDeserializer, valueDeserializer)
AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG -> config.autoOffsetReset,
ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG -> config.enableAutoCommit,
AUTO_COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG -> config.autoCommitIntervalMs
Now we can define our subscription then set up the following akka stream:
println("*** Starting Consumer ***")
implicit val sys = ActorSystem()
implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer()
val consumerSettings: ConsumerSettings[String, Int] = buildConsumerSettings(sys, config)
val subscription = Subscriptions.topics(Set(config.topic))
.plainSource[String, Int](consumerSettings, subscription)
.map(msg => msg.value())
.runForeach(w => println(s"Consumed message with value $w"))
Build and Run
We can again use simple sbt commands to compile:
sbt compile
Run the producer:
$ sbt run
*** Starting Producer ***
Wrote 0 to akka-streams-topic
Wrote 2 to akka-streams-topic
Wrote 19998 to akka-streams-topic
Wrote 20000 to akka-streams-topic
And then the consumer:
$ sbt run
*** Starting Basic Consumer ***
Consumed message with value 0
Consumed message with value 2
Consumed message with value 19998
Consumed message with value 20000
Moving to akka streams allows us to create our processing almost as a line by line recipe - and also handles the asynchronicity of the calls to the producer/consumer in an akka streams context.
In this case - each recipe is simple - but in more complex situations you can use composition to be able to keep the code simple to understand.
The API for the consumer/producer code now also looks very similar to the kafka streams API. Something for a future article perhaps?