I've been testing elasticsearch in a rails project recently - and stumbled on an issue with sorting.
You see - elasticsearch returns the search results either sorted by score or by the sort order you ask for. Then you need to convert the search results to records - so a simple
ModelType.where(id: ids)
However - on postgresql - this returns the records in database order (seems to be insert order).
You could try sorting post fetch:
index = ModelType.where(id: ids).to_a.group_by(&:id)
ids.map { |i| index[i.to_i].first }
But - what if we want to do this in the database.
A google search led me to this article on how to give postgresql a similar function to mysql's find_in_set
So - adding a rails migration to add the function:
create or replace function find_in_array(
needle anyelement, haystack anyarray) returns integer as $$
i integer;
for i in 1..array_upper(haystack, 1) loop
if haystack[i] = needle then
return i;
end if;
end loop;
raise exception 'find_in_array: % not found in %', needle, haystack;
$$ language 'plpgsql';
and an initializer file where we override:
class String
def sql_escape
self.gsub(/[%_'\\"]/, "\\\\\\0")
class Array
def to_postgres_array
"'{" + self.inject([]) do |mem, val|
mem << (val.kind_of?(String) ? "\"#{val.sql_escape}\"" : val)
end.join(", ") + "}'"
We end up able to call:
ModelType.where(id: ids).order("find_in_array(id, #{ids.to_postgres_array})")
Benchmarking this on my small'ish dataset shows that this is faster than the post fetch sort in ruby. Not sure what it does on larger data sets though.