Follow up to Resize google map to show all points - making space at the top
In Resize google map to show all points it shows how to rescale the map based on added overlays. But - it sometimes puts points a little too close to the top. The point is shown but since the icon has size - this disappears out of the visible frame.
Here's a method to add a little space before calling the setZoom. I call this anyway - it could be enhanced to see if there is a point in the danger zone but I haven't bothered.
function growTopBound(map, bounds) {
var latlngNorthEast = bounds.getNorthEast();
var pointNorthEast = map.fromLatLngToDivPixel(latlngNorthEast);
bounds.extend(map.fromDivPixelToLatLng(new GPoint(pointNorthEast.x, pointNorthEast.y - 75)));
return bounds;
Where I used to call
// Zoom to bounds
I now call
// Zoom to bounds
// Based on that - grow top by a small amount
bounds = growTopBound(map, bounds);
// And re-do the zoom