All you need to know is found here
Stock debian 2.6 kernel works just fine
Stock debian kernel is modular - so looking in /proc/crypto before you start won't show aes, and dmsetup targets won't show crypto
Here - I'm adding an lvm2 partition for this (the comments at the end of the above link about lvm are about putting lvm pv's onto a crypt partition - here I have a crypt partition on top of lvm - so the comments do not apply)
On a different machine I've used a partition on an USB external harddisk which works too (you will need to remount if you unplug the USB and replug while mounted)
The above link has details of using loopback too
Code executed:
aptitude install dmsetup cryptsetup
lvcreate -L 1G -n crypt vg
cryptsetup -y create private /dev/mapper/vg0-crypt
mkfs -t xfs /dev/mapper/private
mkdir /mnt/private
Two new scripts (I do not want the partition automounted):
if [ -b /dev/mapper/private ]; then
cryptsetup remove private
cryptsetup create private /dev/mapper/vg0-crypt
mount -t xfs /dev/mapper/private /mnt/private
umount /mnt/private
cryptsetup remove private